
Friday Oct 12, 2018
Inside Sports - Minor League Baseball
Friday Oct 12, 2018
Friday Oct 12, 2018
Have you ever wondered how to get a job in minor league baseball? Or what goes into creating a marketing plan for a professional sports team? If so, this is the podcast for you as today we are joined by the South Atlantic League Female Executive of the Year, Sam Fischer. With over 5 years of experience, Sam offers her unique perspective on sport management and helps us deep dive into the business of baseball as we discuss the ins and outs of the minor leagues.

Thursday Oct 04, 2018
What causes us to become sport fans?
Thursday Oct 04, 2018
Thursday Oct 04, 2018
Have you ever wondered why people become fans of the teams they do? Or how social theories can be used to explain your own sport fandom? If so, this is the podcast for you, as today we deep dive the sport fan and examine the fan life cycle. So if you want to know what causes us to become fans then sit back, relax, and enjoy this episode of The Sport Professor Podcast

Friday Sep 28, 2018
History of Sport in Modern Day America - Part 3
Friday Sep 28, 2018
Friday Sep 28, 2018
Have you ever wondered how the Great Depression led to an increase in sport and recreation opportunities? Or what the playground movement was and why it was so important? If you have, then this is the podcast for you, as today we will conclude our three-part series on the history of sport and recreation by discussing the evolution of sport in 19th and 20th century America. So if you love history, sport, and the USA sit back, relax, and enjoy The Sport Professor Podcast.

Tuesday Sep 18, 2018
The History of Sport in Ancient Societies - Part 2
Tuesday Sep 18, 2018
Tuesday Sep 18, 2018
Have you ever wondered how the death of a king led to the downfall of jousting? Or how Martin Luther and Johannes Gutenberg changed the face of sport? If so, this is the podcast for you as today we continue our discussion of the history of sport and recreation in ancient societies by highlighting four specific eras and the sports and games that best represent them. So sit back and relax, as we deep dive the history of sport one more time.

Friday Sep 14, 2018
Theories of Sport Consumer Behavior
Friday Sep 14, 2018
Friday Sep 14, 2018
Have you ever wondered why an ad that makes you cry can get you to buy a product? Or how your identity influences your purchasing decision? If so, this is the podcast for you, as today we define and discuss the foundational constructs that explain consumers actions and provided detailed examples of how they apply to sport. So sit back, relax as we discuss Theories of Sport Consumer Behavior.

Tuesday Sep 11, 2018
The History of Sport in Ancient Societies
Tuesday Sep 11, 2018
Tuesday Sep 11, 2018
Have you ever wondered what the preferred sport of Egyptian kings was? Or why the Romans love bloodsports so much? Or how ancient societies shaped modern day sports? If so, this podcast is for you, as today we will dive into the history and evolution of sport with the hope of providing insight into how ancient societies viewed and engaged in physical activity. So sit back and relax as we discuss The History of Sport in Ancient Societies.

Tuesday Sep 04, 2018
The Sport Fan
Tuesday Sep 04, 2018
Tuesday Sep 04, 2018
Have you ever wondered what a fan is or how many there are in America? Or heard sportscasters say football was dying and questioned if it is true? Or ever thought about the value a sport fan brings to a team and why franchises work so hard to keep them coming back for more? If so, this podcast is for you as we seek to tell you, who fans are, what they like, and why all this even matters. Sit back and relax as we deep dive the academics of the sport fan.

Thursday Aug 23, 2018
8 Tips To Being a Successful College Student
Thursday Aug 23, 2018
Thursday Aug 23, 2018
A common conversation between college professors and students centers around professors offering advice to students on how to be successful in the classroom and set themselves up to land the job they want once they graduate. This episode of The Sport Professor Podcast mimics those conversations and offers tips from professors and former students on how to be a successful college student.

Monday Jul 23, 2018
The History of the NCAA
Monday Jul 23, 2018
Monday Jul 23, 2018
The NCAA has been a focal point of sport conversation and debate since its inception in the early 1900s. The organization is polarizing, as almost all those touched by it have strong feelings about a plethora of topics that make up the college sport debate. This notion is voiced well by the current president of West Virginia University Gordon Gee who stated in 2007,
"I am an avid supporter of intercollegiate athletics. But I believe intercollegiate athletics is in danger of losing its direction and its soul. By that I mean it has become corporatized, it has become isolated and it has become disconnected from the vitality and the values of the university."
But where did the NCAA lose its direction? When did it become corporatized? And was college sport every really linked to the values of the university?
Today we will deep dive into the history of college sports and the NCAA to try to answer these questions and more.